The Farmers fundraise for Care for the Carers!

by | Oct 1, 2017 | Carer News

Congratulations to John and Tim Farmer for smashing their fundraising target and raising an amazing £705 for Care for the Carers!

John and his son Tim ran the Great South Run in aid of Care for the Carers, a 10 mile race which takes place in Portsmouth every year and has over 20,000 runners taking part.

John and Tim wanted to take part for Care for the Carers to support all unpaid carers out there, like John’s father (Tim’s grandfather) who looks after his wife, who has dementia. John says; “The help and support they provide is invaluable to them both. It is a wonderful charity, helping to keep carers supported through providing relief and assistance, for those caring for loved ones with this dreadful and uncompromising disease.”

During the run John and Tim met other people who were also raising funds for carers and were able to share their experiences and chat about the challenges facing carers across the country. They completed the race in a fantastic time of 1 hour and 39 minutes.

Well done John and Tim, and thank you for your support!

To learn more about their story, and support their fundraising efforts visit their just giving page:

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