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Give your views on care homes

13/08/2020 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Care for the Carers and Healthwatch are holding a Virtual Coffee Morning to hear carers’ experiences of care homes during the pandemic. Carers can join online or by phone. Register your place by completing the form here and we will contact you with joining details.

As part of local Healthwatch engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic, Healthwatch East Sussex has commissioned Care for the Carers to ask informal carers who have a friend or relative in a care home to share their experiences of care homes during the pandemic. We want to hear how care homes are supporting unpaid carers including what’s working well and not so well. This project will raise awareness of carers’ needs in relation to care homes and will make recommendations for change based on our findings.

Alternatively, if you are not able to attend the Virtual Coffee Morning or would prefer to give your feedback separately, you can complete an online questionnaire here. For further information contact Cally, callye@cftc.org.uk or call 01323 738390.

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11:00 am - 1:00 pm
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