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Carer wellbeing courses available in April 2020

by | Mar 6, 2020 | Carer Learning

Sadly, due to the Coronavirus situation and Government advice, all of our events are postponed and we are no longer able to take bookings. Thank you for your understanding. You can read more about the changes to our services here.

​Coastal Wellbeing are offering free Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) courses starting in April 2020. The six week courses will be in Eastbourne and Newhaven and are free of charge and open to any unpaid carer living in East Sussex.

Caring for someone can leave little time for thinking about self-care, let alone doing it. Self-care is often at the bottom of the list for carers, a luxury to be fitted in only if there is time, which so often there isn’t.

So how do we look after our own wellbeing?

Lucy and Molly from Coastal Wellbeing say: “From our experience and learning from the many carers we have met, it’s about claiming moments when we can, learning to say no to some things and yes to others, asking for help when we need it and knowing that we are not alone.”

“These are some of the things we talk about on the WRAP course. In a safe, supportive, relaxed space with other carers, there is time to explore what wellness tools work best for you. WRAP is about focusing on you and putting your wellbeing at the top of the list.”

When and Where

Dates and times of courses

Eastbourne: Monday, 6 April 2020, 2.00pm to 4.30pm for six sessions (no session on Easter Monday, 13 April), last session on 18 May 2020.

Newhaven: Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 10.00am to 1.00pm for six sessions, last session on 13 May 2020.

Find out more about the courses, or phone Molly on 07507 734 370 or Lucy on 07598 323 254.

This is what carers who have attended the WRAP courses say.

“The main benefit of the course was to meet people in similar circumstances, i.e. I’m not the only one. It also helped me to explore and expand my horizons. I now attend a carers’ group, which is very enjoyable. Even my walking has an extra spring in the step!”

“Before I attended WRAP, I know I was neglecting myself – all my focus was on the person I cared for. Attending WRAP courses has given me a better perspective on myself and my life. I now take better care of myself on a physical and emotional level and look for the help and support I need to help me in my caring role. WRAP helps me to remember the things I need to keep a balanced life. When I get out of balance, I refer to WRAP to remember! My caring role is so much better now!”

“The WRAP for Carers course made me feel both very welcome and valued. I had temporarily lost sight of myself in all my caring roles and WRAP really gave me back a sense of my own value.”

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