Volunteers needed for Arlington Bluebell Walk!

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteering

Can you spare a couple of hours on Tuesday 14th April? We need your support!

We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the charities to participate in the Arlington Bluebell Walk this year. 

The Bluebell Walk is a gorgeous walk set over 24 acres of ancient oak wood and only open for six weeks of the year! There are seven interesting walks over three working farms to choose from. More details on the walk can be found at www.bluebellwalk.co.uk

Care for the Carers will be managing the walks and supplying the refreshments on Tuesday 14th April, and will benefit from all the proceeds of the cafe on the day! 

We need your support to make it a great success. We are seeking volunteers for a number of roles on the day, including: 

  • Meet and greet
  • Front of house
  • Serving and tills
  • Preparing food and washing up

 If you think you could spare some time to help us, or what to know more then please contact Amy on 01323 738 390 (ext 220) or email amyh@cftc.org.uk

We also need cakes on the day to sell, so if you can bake us a cake find out more here

Thank you for your support! 

Photo courtesy of Raphael Cabuis, unsplash 

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